A Must-See on Textbooks!

Being a University student, I have been in this particular situation and I am sure many of you out there can relate as well…

Buying the dreaded textbooks for class.

It is not that the content (for the most part) is miserable with these textbooks, but more so the price!

Before starting University I never knew that one could spend so much money on a book that ends up sitting in the same spot all semester and never gets touched once.

I thought I would share one of my favorite videos regarding textbooks from the YouTube sensation Domics!

**WARNING** This video does contain some offensive language!

Like the video said, I also wish that I would have known about these other sources years ago!

Hopefully this video has introduced some of you to new resources or at least made you laugh!


3 thoughts on “A Must-See on Textbooks!

  1. nixon22k says:

    I share this guy’s frustration… really would have been nice to know about this 4 years ago! Ah well… I probably would have just spent all of that money on something equally as silly, like food. Anyway, thanks for posting this Lacey, it was hilarious and I will be sure to send this to my sister who is going to be entering year one of pre-dentistry this fall (dentistry = at least 7 years of school = she is definitely going to need to see this video).

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