Teaching – Who’s To Blame?

A very important part of being a teacher in my opinion is the interaction between teacher and parent or guardian of the students.

In my random perusing of the internet one day I had came across a photo which I have actually personally experienced before.

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I am by no means saying that this is a situation that happens to everyone or everywhere. However, I have noticed a shift in the blame game when it comes to the grade of the students.

One thing that frightens me about becoming a teacher is the high expectations that come from the parents and guardians.

I don’t personally believe that if there is a bad grade, that anyone should be to blame! I think that the idea behind a “bad grade” is to show that the student needs improvement and that as a team – the students and the teacher (and even the parents/guardians) – can work together to improve said grade.

It should not turn into a match of pointing fingers and who is to blame, rather, what can we do to improve this!


2 thoughts on “Teaching – Who’s To Blame?

  1. I can agree that this shift has occurred. Teachers are usually the sole people held accountable for grades. There are parents that to their kids for some explanation still, but our ability as teachers is often questioned when bad grades are received or poor test scores are reported. This is part of what makes the job hard.

    I think it is important now more than ever to more towards role-reversal and student-directed learning. It is through this methodology that we will put the responsibility of learning, grades, etc back into the hands of students. Then, if parents were to ever approach you, you could explain exactly what went down and who was responsible for the work and effort put forth. This methodology, being new, could also cause some havoc from parents. However, I still feel it important to move in this direction to change what evolved in classrooms.

    That’s just my take!

  2. Agreed! I have dealt with parents who felt that their child could do no harm. Also have seen my co-op get blamed for students not getting a grade parents thought their child deserved. I am cautious/worried about about facing parents who do blame the teacher for everything. I completely agree with you no one should be pointing the finger at anyone!

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