Internet Inspirations

After keeping up with numerous Tweets and Blog posts, I have been inspired lately to try out crocheting thanks to classmates, Mandy and Kaelyn. There are also many people in my various classes who sit in class and crochet and knit as well. While watching them, I thought about how cool it would be to make my own things, however, it looked very difficult to do. Well then began the task of watching a number of YouTube videos on what I wanted to make until I finally found one that looked like it would be a good beginning point for me. After 5 very long hours of crocheting (yes, it really took me that long!) I had finally finished my first product!


Although it was very satisfying to know that I had made the headband myself, I didn’t think it was quite the hobby for me. However, the next evening, I found myself picking up that crochet hook once again and starting another head band.

I love the idea that I had taught myself this skill using a simple video from the internet (watch the video here!) and was able to come out with a product that is actually functional!